06月15, 2018

How to call ida+bindiff commond line

.i64 file The i64 file extension is associated with the Interactive Disassembler, the utility that is used to create assembly language source code from machine-executable code.

idaq打开 .asm file


IDC: Constants The following constants can be used in IDC:

  • long numbers (32-bit for 32-bit version of IDA and 64-bit for 64-bit version of IDA)

    12345 - decimal constants

    0x444 - hex constants

    01236 - octal constants

    0b110 - binary constants

    'c' - character constants

    Any numeric constant may have 'u' and 'l' suffixes, they are ignored.

  • 64-bit numbers. To declare a 64-bit constant, use 'i64' suffix: 123i64

    Also, if a constant does not fit 32-bits, it will automatically be stored as a 64-bit constant.

  • strings. Strings are declared using the double quotes. The backslash character can be used to as an escape: "string" "string\nwith four embedded \x0\x00\000\0 zeroes"

    Multiple string constants in a row will be automatically concatenated:

    "this" " is" " one " "string"


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